Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I have da seller's remorse

Man. I had this fantastic 1970s padded "buckle bar" with four chairs to go with. The thing probably weighed about 1000 pounds all together. I bought it at an auction with the full intention of setting it up in the front window of the shop which is exactly what I did (thanks for the help Jeffy J). Well, it sold. While it was great to get the cash, I must say I miss the damn thing. Luckily I was able to have a couple of nights with the boys up there drinking a beer or two and watching the traffic go by on Friday and Saturday nights - 75th and Wornall is pretty hopping on the weekends. We called the place "Heckler's" on those nights; if you were there, you know why.

Anyway, at least it went to a good home. This lady and her brother were actually in the process of building a bar in their house at the time. I had set the chairs out on the curb with all the other stuff, like we do on weekends up here at the Waldo Antique Mall and Flea Market to help attract attention (school of Fred Sanford thank you very much) and it worked: they just wanted the chairs and took the whole thing . . . now I am sad.

Not really though, I'll find another one - heck, I've already sold another smaller one since then. So, know that I am on the lookout for another bar - you need one for your man room, right?

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